Apr 21

Subject Verb Agreement in Percentage

Subject-verb agreement is an essential aspect of English grammar that ensures that sentences are grammatically correct and easy to understand. In the context of percentages, it is crucial to maintain accurate subject-verb agreement to avoid confusion and misinterpretation.

When writing about percentages, it is essential to consider the subject and verb agreement in a sentence. The subject must agree with the verb, and this can be challenging when dealing with percentages. For instance, “50% of the students are attending the seminar” is correct, while “50% of the students is attending the seminar” is incorrect.

The subject-verb agreement in percentage use depends on the noun that follows the percentage. If the noun is countable, use a plural verb, and if the noun is uncountable, use a singular verb. For example, “20% of the books are on the shelf” is correct as “books” is countable, while “20% of the water is in the glass” is correct as “water” is uncountable.

When writing about percentages, it is essential to use numerals rather than spelling out the percentage. For instance, “50%” is correct, while “fifty percent” is incorrect. Using numerals helps to establish clarity, and it is a common convention in technical writing.

Another crucial aspect of subject-verb agreement in percentages is the use of “percent” versus “percentage.” “Percent” is used when referring to a specific number, while “percentage” is used to describe the proportion or rate. For example, “The company increased sales by 20 percent” is correct, while “The percentage of sales increased by 20 percent” is incorrect.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is a crucial aspect of English grammar in percentage use. It ensures clarity and accuracy, and it should be considered when writing about percentages. By following the guidelines outlined above, writers can ensure that their writing is clear, concise, and grammatically correct.