Apr 11

Reciprocal Health Care Agreement With Italy

If you are retired in the UK and live in Gibraltar, the Gibraltar authorities will offer you the same medical services as a citizen of Gibraltar. You don`t have to pay insurance premiums, but you have to pay a prescription fee. Whether you are a foreigner or moving to Australia, it is important to know if you are covered by Medicare. You must also suspend your existing health insurance to ensure that you keep your existing lifetime health insurance. If you have been travelling for more than 5 years, special requirements apply when you return. As part of the RHCA membership, you may be eligible for limited Medicare benefits. Benefits apply only to primary health care or only to emergency care and under certain conditions. Many items such as ambulances, dental work, subsidized medications and private hospital fees or other incidental/extras costs do not cover. After arrival, deadlines and other restrictions may also apply.

Note: Reciprocal health agreements with the following countries were terminated in 2016: If you plan to live or work in any of the countries of the mutual agreement, the information contained in the links below may not apply. The Australian government has signed RHCas with the following countries: diseases and accidents can occur at any time and medical costs in Australia can be very high. Health insurance can help you protect yourself from some of these costs. Australia has mutual health agreements with New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, Italy, Norway, Malta, Belgium, Slovenia and Ireland. Each mutual agreement is different and varies in terms of both benefits and eligibility duration. The agreements do not apply to all health services. Some services that are not covered by the agreements are: – treatment that is not immediately necessary, ambulance care, dental care, para medical services, medical evacuation in your home country, burials, treatment and accommodation in private hospitals or as private patients in a public hospital, electoral treatment, pre-ordered treatment before arrival in Australia. This is why it is strongly recommended that all visitors from the countries of mutual insurance take out adequate medical insurance. HICA has developed a number of policies specifically designed for foreign visitors based on the type of visa and the length of your stay in Australia. If you would like to take advantage of our free evaluation and offer service, we invite you to fill out an evaluation form so that we can provide you with our professional recommendations and offers for policies that best meet your specific needs. It is also important to remember that Medicare offers benefits, but it does not cover all possibilities. The United Kingdom has mutual health agreements with several non-EEA countries and territories.

You must ensure that you have adequate travel and health insurance to cover your stay in these places.