Apr 08

Commercial Real Estate Brokerage Agreement

The agreement may include a safeguard clause known as brokerage compensation, with both parties indicating that no other broker is eligible. If the brokerage commission is not paid, the broker can place a pawn on the property. Perhaps the most difficult provision that can be negotiated in a listing agreement is the compensation provision. The real estate agent does not want to resurrect anyone as part of his efforts to market the seller`s property. As a result, many listing agreements contain a very comprehensive compensation provision that requires the seller to compensate the broker in the event that a claim against the broker is invoked in some way in relation to the real estate or the broker`s efforts to market the property. While this is understandable from the broker`s point of view, the seller will not want to be responsible for the behaviour of anyone except his own and the seller will only want to be responsible for his conduct, which is negligent or violates his obligations under the listing agreement or constitutes a delay. The agreement describes the commission rate for the initial term of the lease and possible extension periods. If a rental agreement has a rent allowance that degenerates, the parties can agree on a package or commission based on a percentage of the rent for the years. Some properties that are not included in the rental may be excluded from the calculation of commissions such as rental fees, rental fees or construction costs.

The agreement should also take into account the commission rate when the tenant takes over additional space in the building (whether adjacent or on another floor). Many listing agreements require the seller to provide written information about the property and some provide that the seller gives directions or insurance or guarantees regarding the condition of the property. Both of these provisions could cause problems for the seller. For example, the language that the seller makes available “all ownership documents” is too broad and could lead to possible liability of the seller if the seller does not accidentally divide the documents he did not disclose in his possession. Such a language could also be interpreted as allowing the seller to provide documents held by lawyers, engineers or seller management companies. And in the absence of an explicit characterization, the seller could be held liable if some of the documents, including those produced by third parties, contain false or false information. If the broker is not prepared to completely remove any obligation on the seller to provide documents, the seller should limit the requirement to the use of the seller`s “good faith efforts” to provide documents and provide that the seller`s obligation relates only to documents “in the seller`s possession.” The listing agreement should also provide that the broker must, at his own risk and peril, rely on all these documents and their contents.